Friday, 17 February 2012

Chembeti Aravind,Tech Lead at Electronic Arts on ISLD 2012

Hello all,

Good morning.
I have completed conducting ISLD celebration at "Vivekananda Public School for Underpriveleged" and I am very happy to share my experience.

Just a brief description about the school: this school was started by a man called Mr.Murthy almost 30years ago. It provides free education to underprivileged people. Currently it runs classes from 1st standard to 10th.
This school runs by donations and has a board of directors that include some senior IAS officers. 

I have been in touch with the management for last one week and asked them to circulate the message early enough to at least class leaders so that they can lead the pledge. I wanted this way because instead of me or some other teacher reading it, I felt it would be great if students do that: just like charity begins at home, leadership should begin at school!

Along with 2 other colleagues, I went to the school at 8:30AM. After finishing regular assembly, group of class leaders read the message and everyone, including us, repeated the message.

After that, one teacher explained the message line by line. 

Next, I asked them to name at least one person who they consider as a leader (but that name should not be associated with any national or any other public personality). Examples came from within the students. That was a wonderful experience. Another teacher explained how one should behave and how one can become as a leader. Entire discussion was about the students only, we haven't talked about any person outside the school. I again wanted this because, I wanted a strong connection.

Overall, the program went very fine, which took me back to some 20years. I hope you people also would have experienced the same and I am eager to hear your experiences.

I really thank PMI-PCC, for initiating such a wonderful program. 

Best regards
Aravind, Chembeti

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